Activity 2 Deliverables

Activity 2 Deliverables

Activity 2 of the ActionMed project aimed to identify the gaps of knowledge and needs in the MSFD monitoring programmes proposals submitted by the MSs in relation to Article 11 (Monitoring Programmes) implementation, in order to enable their systematic solution at regional level in the Mediterranean. Thus, two main tasks were envisaged, one focused on the analysis of the MSFD national monitoring programmes and the other to the development of pilot actions for the improvement of biodiversity descriptors and integration and optimization of monitoring programmes.

D2.1: “Relational Database on MSFD monitoring programs in the Mediterranean”

The focus in this document was on the analysis of the MSFD national monitoring programmes. Data were collected from the documents submitted by the countries through the EIONET database and were homogenised for the purposes of the project.

D2.1 ActionMed MSFD monitoring Database Access for MED


D2.2: “MSFD monitoring programs in the Mediterranean” – Report on analysis of gaps and evaluation of their coherence at regional level.

This document contains with information useful for revising, whenever necessary, the initial MSFD monitoring programs proposals in order to; ensure their regional coherence; guarantee their adequacy for GES evaluation, in relation to biodiversity descriptions at lower cost; and achieve their maximum integration with EcAp monitoring plans.

D2.2 ActionMed Gaps National monitoring


D2.4: “Pilot actions on the integration of automated continuous monitoring systems (moorings) and offshore plankton pelagic sampling addressing descripotrs 1, 4, and 10 within routine mesoscale hydrographic surveys”

In this deliverable, three specific actions have been carried out: one dealing with the analysis of CO2 interchange between ocean and atmosphere, another focused of the analysis of transfer of particulate matter throughout water column to deep ecosystems, and a third one on the determination of microplastics abundance and distribution in neustonic layers, all in the Western Mediterranean..

D2.4 ActionMed Pilot actions


D2.6: “Mid and long term Action Plans for overcoming the detected gaps and inconsistencies, and ensure the coherence among Mediterranean Member States MSFD monitoring plans”

The proposed action plan presented in this deliverable was mainly based on the findings of the aforementioned Commission Report, as well as the outcomes of the work carried out in the framework of the overall ActionMed Activity 2.

D2.6 ActionMed monitoring Action Plans


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