Data & Maps

ActionMed project continues from its successor project IRIS-SES in terms of GIS Tools development, data handling and mapping. The information gathered from the final meta-database of IRIS-SES is visualized here through a Web-GIS platform. The information within comes from a comprehensive analysis of the existing monitoring programs related to European Directives, Regional Sea Conventions and other national or international programs in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas to meet the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) needs, with the data being categorized in Activities, Country, Descriptor, Monitoring Type, Organization, Parameter, RSC, Spatial Coverage, Species, and Stations.

Maps are produced using this information gathered from inventory sheets, along with some basic background layers (e.g. Natura sites, bathymetry, marine protected areas, Ramsar sites, transitional and coastal water bodies, land topography etc.) and all are visualized here using GIS platforms.

The intelligent tool that will be developed in the framework of ActionMed with the tentative name “BioTool” is dedicated to descriptor D1 (Biodiversity) and will be added to the tools that were developed in IRIS-SES for the descriptors D5 (Eutrophication) and D8/D9 (contaminants in biota/sediments). All this work is to further support the implementation process relating to MSFD monitoring that will be publically available and easily operated by non-expert users.
