1St Scientific Workshop, 1St General Assembly And 1St Sub-Regional Stakeholder Workshop

1St Scientific Workshop, 1St General Assembly And 1St Sub-Regional Stakeholder Workshop

July 12th – 14th , National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station, Piran, Slovenia

This is a three days event comprising of the 1st Scientific Workshop (SW), 1st General Assembly (GA) followed by an Advisory Board (AB) discussion and the 1st Sub-regional stakeholder workshop of ActionMed that will take place in Piran, Slovenia, at the premises of NIB (National Institute of Biology).

During the GA, activity leaders will present the overall progress of their activities, whereas during the SW we will have more detailed presentations on  specific scientific issues we have been working during the first 8months of ActionMed project.

Please find the registration form here. 

Click here to download the final Agenda of the meetings.

For more information’s please contact either Streftari Niko (nstrefta@hcmr.gr), Giannoudi Louisa (lgiannoudi@hcmr.gr) or Pagou Kalliopi (popi@hcmr.gr).

The two proposed hotels are:

  1. Hotel Tartini
  1. Hotel Vile Park

You could book your reservation (upon availability) using the word on behalf of Marine biology station under the code ‘MBP ActionMED’.


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