Marine Strategies Vii. Programmes of Measures, Executive Summary

Marine Strategies Vii. Programmes of Measures, Executive Summary

The final aim of Directive 2008/56/EC, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy (Marine Strategy Framework Directive, henceforth MSFD), is to achieve or maintain a good environmental status (GES) of the marine environment by 2020 at the latest.

The MSFD was incorporated into Spanish legislation by means of Law 41/2010, of 29 December, on the protection of the marine environment. That law establishes the general legal framework for the protection of the Spanish marine environment.

Marine strategies are the planning instruments for the marine environment and they establish the general framework to which the different sectoral policies and administrative actions with an impact on the marine environment must adapt.

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