Zooplankton present characteristics of high interest in the frame of investigation for organisms sensitive to environmental changes and/or anthropogenic pressures. Such indicators are particularly needed in the present context of European legislation (Marine Strategy Framework Directive). However, zooplankton have not been given the interest they should have in regards to these issues. The aim of the present study is to provide an attempt of proposition of indicators of good environmental status and associated thresholds based on zooplankton data. Zooplankton time-series (2002–2013) from the Toulon Bay in the Mediterranean was used. This time-series presents the great characteristics that the sampling has be done jointly in two areas of the Bay of Toulon known to differ in term of anthropogenic pressures. The study focus on the copepod assemblage and different potential indicators are tested: ratio of copepod families on total copepod and diversity index (Piélou’s evenness).