The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD; EC, 2008) is an ambitious European policy instrument that aims to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) in the 5,720,000 km2 of Eur- opean seas by 2020, using an Ecosystem Approach. GES is to be assessed using 11 descriptors and up to 56 indicators (European Commission, 2010), and the goal is for clean, healthy and pro- ductive seas that are the basis for marine-based development, known as Blue-Growth. The MSFD is one of many policy instru- ments, such as the Water Framework Directive, the Common Fisheries Policy and the Habitats Directive that, together, should result in “Healthy Oceans and Productive Ecosystems – HOPE”. Re- searchers working together with stakeholders such as the Member States environmental agencies, the European Environmental Agency, and the Regional Sea Conventions, are to provide the scientific knowledge basis for the implementation of the MSFD. This represents both a fascinating challenge and a stimulating opportunity.