Activity 3 Deliverables
Activity 3:
One of the main aims of the ActionMed project is to facilitate Member States in the definition of their programmes of measures for establishing and maintaining Good Environmental Status (GES) in Mediterranean Sea. This will be achieved through the work of Activity 3 of the project ‘Assistance in the preparation of programmes of measures, by addressing particular gaps identified both at national and regional level, linking together work on Programmes of Measures (PoMs) under the MSFD and under the auspices of UNEP/MAP Barcelona Convention (the PoMs activity)’. To this end, Activity 3 will undertake (1) the assessment of common gaps in national or regional measures and the selection of issues that require action to achieve or maintain GES, (2) the elaboration of possible measures at national and regional level, (3) the socio-economic analysis of the proposed measures, and (4) the dissemination of recommendations.
D3.1: “Regional Programme of Measures Analysis – Analysis of the Regional PoMs: Gap analysis carried out in the framework of the UNEP/MAP EcAp initiative”.
The objective of reaching a Good Environmental Status (GES) of the Mediterranean Sea and Coast has been adopted both by the European Union in the framework of the MSFD and by UNEP/MAP Barcelona Convention, as its Contracting Parties have committed to implement the ecosystem approach (EcAp), as a strategy for the integrated management to achieve such an objective. Therefore, in this deliverable an analysis of Regional PoMs has been carried out taking into account the EcAp approach.
D3.1 ActionMed_Regional PoMs Analysis
D3.2: “Socio-economic assessment of selected potential new measures”.
This deliverable aimed at providing information on socio-economic characteristics, such as effectiveness, costs and benefits of measures to achieve the Good Environmental Status (GES) of the Mediterranean Sea and coast.
D3.2_ActionMed report on socio_economic assessment of measures
D3.3 and D3.7: “Action Plan on Implementing the PoMs and the NAPs by integrating regional and MSFD requirements” and “Medium and Long-term Regional PoMs Action Plan”.
These two deliverables on potential new/updated measures with related action plans, build upon results of the ActionMed Activity 3 and available analyses of the MSFD Programmes of Measures (PoMs) and Barcelona Convention National Action Plans (NAPs), as well as upon results of related projects/activities. They provide a synthesis of the main findings with the purpose to identify areas where strengthened implementation and new measures are needed to achieve GES.
D3.3 and D3.7 ActionMed_Regional PoMs and Action Plans
D3.4: “Reports from the ActionMed Decision making workshops on PoMs”
One report was prepared and submitted for each workshop. Therefore, D3.4 is comprised of three parts which involve the three workshops organized, in order to bring together relevant stakeholders and identify and prioritize key measures for pollution and litter related descriptors, through the implementation of the DeCyDe-4-ActionMed tool. The tool prepared by ISOTECH together with the templates that were circulated to all partners for the workshops, supported the stakeholders involved in the workshops with the selection and ranking of measures. See individual reports for more information.
D3.4a: “Report from the Adriatic sub-regional POMs decision-making workshop: towards common measures for good environmental status in the Adriatic sub-region”.
This deliverable presents the methodology and the outcomes from the first DeCyDe-4-ActionMed workshop, implemented in the Adriatic Sub-region on 14 July 2016, in Piran, Slovenia.
D3.4a_ActionMed_Report from the Adriatic Sub-regional Stakeholder Workshop
D3.4b: “Report from the Greek National PoMs stakeholder workshop: towards the definition of Programmes of Measures for achieving Good Environmental Status for Greece”.
This deliverable presents the methodology and the outcomes from the DeCyDe-4-ActionMed Greek national stakeholder workshop, implemented in Athens, Greece on 12 October 2016.
D3.4b_ActionMed_Report from the Greek national Stakeholder Workshop
D3.4c: “Report from the Mediterranean sub-regional PoMs stakeholder workshop: towards common measures for Good Environmental Status in Cyprus, Greece and Malta”.
This deliverable presents the methodology and the outcomes from the second sub-regional workshop between Cyprus, Greece and Malta, which took place on November 3rd, 2016 in Nicosia, Cyprus.
D3.4c_ActionMed_Report from the Med Sub-regional Stakeholder Workshop
D3.6: “Evaluation of suggested measures and major attributes for successful implementation”.
In this deliverable, the aim is to present and compare the measures for each descriptor deriving from each of the three workshops, as a means of assessing their similarities and differences – their attributes in a sense – and thus undertaking an evaluation for their successful implementation.
D3.8: “MSFD – EcAp national medium and long-term action plans”. Analysis of National PoMs vis a vis requirements under the MSFD and the Barcelona Convention.
The aim of this report is to analyse the measures adopted by the EU Member States in the Region, to identify the discrepancies with the Barcelona Convention Framework still present in the PoMs, to highlight the priority measures to address relevant issues and to suggest potential actions to ensure cooperation among EU Member States and non EU Countries. The present report focuses on pollution and marine litter related descriptors.
D3.8 ActionMed National PoMs Analysis and ActionPlans revised
D3.8A: “MSFD-EcAp National Medium and Long-term Action Plan”. Evaluation of MSFD possible measures at national level (Greece).
The analysis of this scoping study was a general analysis on what would be required by Greece, in order to prepare the PoMs according to the requirements of Article 13 of MSFD seen through ActionMed as a separate National study.
D3.8A ActionMed_Greek Measures revised
D3.9: “Best practices database”.
The current report forms the ActionMed Best Practice Database which was completed by using the measures selected by the stakeholders at each of the workshops performed during ActionMed project as an inspiration. The Best Practice Database identified 15 similar initiatives implemented successfully around Europe. The aim was to showcase success and fail factors, as well as lessons learned, so as to assist in the implementation of similar practices in the project countries, and more widely.